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What’s the Source of Your Tooth Pain in Columbia? Your Dentist Explains

September 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 11:29 am

woman holding her jaw in pain

Whether moderate or severe, you don’t want to deal with tooth pain. It can hinder your ability to carry out your daily functions and ruin a fun occasion. The first step to preventing such a problem, though, is to identify the source of tooth pain in Columbia. As you continue reading, a dentist discusses the causes of tooth discomfort and prevention methods so you can enjoy the best oral health!


Dentist in Columbia Says White Teeth Aren’t Always Healthy!

January 13, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 3:45 am

woman smiling white teethMany may see a pearly white smile and assume that their oral health is in great standing. Unfortunately, just because your teeth are white, does not mean that your dental health is the best that it can be. That means that it’s important to take care of your smile from the inside out with tried and true dental hygiene practices that your dentist in Columbia recommends. Learn more in this week’s blog post.


What are Temporary Dental Crowns and How Long Do They Last?

October 11, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drgoodman @ 8:52 pm

Model of dental crownIf you have recently had a dental procedure, like root canal, your dentist will suggest the use of a temporary crown. They are different than traditional dental crowns because they are only used for about two to three weeks until the permanent one is ready to be bonded in place. Although it may seem unnecessary since they are only in place for a short period of time, they serve an important role.

A Family Dentist in Columbia Can Relieve Your Stress & Pain

September 7, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 9:57 pm

young woman with dental pain Have you experienced unusual changes in your workload that have brought new levels of stress to your life? Right about the same time, you start waking up with headaches and jaw pain. Did you know that new stressors in your life could be causing you to experience the symptoms of bruxism (teeth grinding)? To prevent bruxism, many patients use a handy custom nightguard to protect their teeth. Let’s explore bruxism and how a custom nightguard from your family dentist in Columbia could potentially help you.


Get a Bright Summer Smile with Teeth Whitening in Columbia

July 1, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drgoodman @ 8:54 pm

Restore a bright smile with teeth whitening in Columbia.Do you want your smile to be as bright as the summer sun, but instead it is dull and has lost its luster? If so, you likely feel insecure about the appearance of your teeth. To restore its brightness, you have probably given a few over-the-counter whitening products a try. However, you did not achieve the results you wanted. Now, you may feel like you have no choice but to live with the discoloration. Don’t get discouraged! Goodman Family Dentistry has the solution you need with teeth whitening in Columbia.

Choose the Best Dental Products with Your Dentist in Columbia

June 4, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drgoodman @ 8:38 pm

Your dentist in Columbia offers tips to choose the best dental products.The health of your smile is important to you. To ensure your teeth last a lifetime, you need to care for them properly. Your first line of defense against dental problems involves your home oral hygiene routine. The foundation to proper dental habits relies on the products you choose. However, as you walk down the oral care isle in the store, you are surrounded by an array of options, making it difficult to determine which are the most beneficial. As your dentist in Columbia, Dr. Alex Goodman has the information you need to make a smart choice for your smile.

Dentist in Columbia on Link Between Diabetes and Gum Disease

May 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drgoodman @ 10:33 pm

Dentist in Columbia provides gum disease therapy.If you are one of the 29 million people in the United States living with diabetes, your dentist in Columbia wants you to know that you are at a higher risk of developing gum disease if the disease isn’t treated. Knowing about how diabetes affects your oral health can encourage you to stay on top of the regular preventive care that will keep your smile healthy and clean — keep reading to learn about the close link between your oral health and your blood sugar.


Your 38401 Dentist Welcomes You to Our New Blog!

March 20, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:45 pm

Your 38401 dentist is proud to present our new blog!Dr. Alex Goodman, your top family dentist in Mt. Pleasant, TN is proud to present our new blog! We’re excited to share more detailed information with you about our practice and the services that we offer. You’ll learn more about what we do, and perhaps even have some of your burning questions about dentistry answered each month through our informative posts. This month we’ll be highlighting just a few of the services we offer, so be on the lookout for more information to come!


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